Independent accredited certification services for the renewable energy industry.

If you are in the renewable energy industry, then DNV GL’s independent accredited certification services offer you the best route to gaining customer confidence.

Over the past decade, the certification market has supported pioneering advances across the renewables industry by improving the reliability of products and projects. As the industry is evolving, new innovative projects forecast to continue the growth will need to demonstrate their capabilities, whilst the focus on the long-term performance of traditional technologies remains of high importance.

We build trust

Based on our independent approach and proven technical expertise, we help you qualify new technologies and build trust between you and your stakeholders. Our independent certificate is accepted and renowned around the world and helps you demonstrate the value of investment based on the recognised quality and long-term performance of your products.  Our certification services play an important role in minimising the number of design errors and creating confidence in the industry among manufacturers, developers, owners, finance and insurance companies as well as regulatory authorities.

Moving the renewable energy industry forward

We are at the cutting edge of establishing industry defining projects and technologies. We have worked with our customers and assisted the evolution of technology from the very beginning. We help you to better understand and manage risks and make sound, informed decisions based on facts. We are able to do this through:
  • Our combined heritage of the world’s leading certification bodies makes us the most experienced certification body in renewable energy
  • More than 30 years’ experience in wind energy
  • The biggest global certification workforce and 2,500 experienced and highly educated experts working within the energy sector
  • Our involvement in 90% of all offshore wind farms as a certification body
  • Customer expertise - eight out of ten top turbine manufacturers worldwide rely on the added value of a DNV GL certificate
  • Our technological knowledge, having certified the biggest turbines in the market right now, including Siemens 7 MW and Vestas 8 MW turbines
  • Our certification services, spanning across the entire project lifecycle: from conceptual design to lifetime extension and beyond, supporting you throughout your project development phases
Kim Mørk

Our independent certificate is accepted and renowned around the world and helps you demonstrate the value of investment based on the recognised quality and long-term performance of your products.

  • Kim Mørk
  • Executive Vice President
  • Renewables Certification, Energy Systems

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