Certification programs for food imported to the US under FSMA

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is one of the most comprehensive and broad legislations on food safety in US history. Designed to prevent rather than respond to foodborne illnesses, FSMA regulation extends to human and animal food products imported to the US.

About 48 million people in the U.S.  get sick every year, over 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases.* This poses a significant public health burden which is largely preventable.  FSMA legislation applies to a very broad category of products and companies, such as manufacturing/processing, packing and storing.  It also includes importers of human and animal food to the US, agents and representatives of foreign companies.  There are two programs under FSMA that cover the import of food to the US market, in particular. As an accredited independent third party, DNV can support you in your journey to be compliant with:
  • FSVP (Foreign Supplier Verification Program) for importers of food to the US market
    Mandatory program for all US importers, agents and representatives of foreign companies to ensure that imported products meet the FSMA food safety requirements.

DNV can provide independent third-party verification and certification to fit your needs. In addition, our gap analysis, training or other services related to the two programs could support your journey.  Our global network of PCQI Lead Instructors can offer training for individuals to gain the Preventive Control Qualified Individual knowledge to support compliance to FSMA requirements. With a global network of local auditors, DNV can support you with FSVP or VQIP insight and compliance wherever you are. We can also help you navigate FSMA to make sure that you are compliant.

  *Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.