Information Security Management System Auditor/Lead Auditor Training Course as per ISO 27001 | CQI and IRCA Certified Course ID: 2564

The aim of this course is to provide students with theknowledge and skills required to perform first, second andthird-party audits of information security management systemsagainst ISO/IEC 27001 (with ISO/IEC 27002), in accordance withISO 19011 and ISO 17021, as applicable.

Course benefits

On completion, successful students will have the knowledgeand skills to: 

Explain the purpose and business benefits of aninformation security management system standards,management system audits and of third-party certification.   
Explain the role of an auditor to plan, conduct, reportand follow up an information security management systemaudit and or establish conformity (or otherwise) with ISO/IEC27001 (with ISO/IEC 27002) in accordance with ISO 19011 (and ISO 17021 where appropriate).

Who should attend

This course is recommended for anyone who is planning toperform internal audits/preparing to become an external auditor ofInformation Security Management Systems. This course is highly interactive in nature with emphasis onactive involvement of students in group-work, brainstormingsessions, quizzes and students sharing their experiences with eachother. The tutor will provide his theoretical inputs to supplementthe course and impart applied knowledge to various situations.


  • For succesful completion of this course, we recommend the following prior knowledge:
    a)   Management systems - Understand the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle
    b)   Knowledge of the following information securitymanagement principles and concepts:
    - Awareness of the need for information security
    - The assignment of responsibility for information security
    - Incorporating management commitment and the interestsof stakeholders
    - Enhancing societal values
    - Using the results of risk assessments to determineappropriate controls to reach acceptable levels of risk
    - Incorporating security as an essential element ofinformation networks and systems
    - The active prevention and detection of informationsecurity incidents
    - Ensuring a comprehensive approach to informationsecurity management
    - Continual reassessment of information security andmaking of modifications as appropriate.
     c)   ISO/IEC 27001 Knowledge of the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 (with ISO/IEC 27002) and the commonly usedinformation security management terms and definitions, asgiven in ISO/IEC 27000.

Did you know?

  • Participant evaluation is through Continuous Assessment during the training course and a closed book examination (2 hours) at the end of the course.
  • A ‘Certificate of Achievement’ will be awarded to participants who passes both continuous assessment & the written examination
  • Successful completion of this course is one of the criteria for you to upgrade your CQI and IRCA Internal/Lead auditor status 
  • You can now record your CQI and IRCA certificate to access exclusive resources via 

Course benefits

On completion, successful students will have the knowledgeand skills to: 

Explain the purpose and business benefits of aninformation security management system standards,management system audits and of third-party certification.   
Explain the role of an auditor to plan, conduct, reportand follow up an information security management systemaudit and or establish conformity (or otherwise) with ISO/IEC27001 (with ISO/IEC 27002) in accordance with ISO 19011 (and ISO 17021 where appropriate).

Who should attend

This course is recommended for anyone who is planning toperform internal audits/preparing to become an external auditor ofInformation Security Management Systems. This course is highly interactive in nature with emphasis onactive involvement of students in group-work, brainstormingsessions, quizzes and students sharing their experiences with eachother. The tutor will provide his theoretical inputs to supplementthe course and impart applied knowledge to various situations.


  • For succesful completion of this course, we recommend the following prior knowledge:
    a)   Management systems - Understand the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle
    b)   Knowledge of the following information securitymanagement principles and concepts:
    - Awareness of the need for information security
    - The assignment of responsibility for information security
    - Incorporating management commitment and the interestsof stakeholders
    - Enhancing societal values
    - Using the results of risk assessments to determineappropriate controls to reach acceptable levels of risk
    - Incorporating security as an essential element ofinformation networks and systems
    - The active prevention and detection of informationsecurity incidents
    - Ensuring a comprehensive approach to informationsecurity management
    - Continual reassessment of information security andmaking of modifications as appropriate.
     c)   ISO/IEC 27001 Knowledge of the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 (with ISO/IEC 27002) and the commonly usedinformation security management terms and definitions, asgiven in ISO/IEC 27000.

Did you know?

  • Participant evaluation is through Continuous Assessment during the training course and a closed book examination (2 hours) at the end of the course.
  • A ‘Certificate of Achievement’ will be awarded to participants who passes both continuous assessment & the written examination
  • Successful completion of this course is one of the criteria for you to upgrade your CQI and IRCA Internal/Lead auditor status 
  • You can now record your CQI and IRCA certificate to access exclusive resources via 


Vores kurser fokuserer på at forbedre viden om ledelsessystemer, samtidig med at vi fremmer en vækst- og innovationstankegang for at opnå forretningsmæssig succes.


Træningsmetodik og fordele

DNV's kurser blander auditekspertise, dataanalyse og LMS-tilgængelighed (Learning Management System).

Mere information

  ISO 27001

ISO 27001

ISO 27001:2013 standard

  Ti trin til informationssikkerhed

Ti trin til informationssikkerhed

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GDPR - EU Persondataforordning

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