FSSC 22000 Version 6 Lead Auditor Training Course based on ISO 22000:2018 (English)

The aim of this course is to provide delegates with the knowledge and skills required to perform first, second and third-party audits of food safety management systems against ISO 22000:2018 & FSSC 22000 Version 6, in accordance with ISO 19011, ISO 22003 and ISO 17021, as applicable. CQI and IRCA Certified Course Ref: 2409

Om FSSC 22000 Version 6 Lead Auditor Training Course based on ISO 22000:2018

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, you will be able to explain:

  • The purpose of a food safety management system 
  • The business benefits of the improved performance of the food safety management system
  • The role of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and follow up a food safety management system audit in accordance with ISO22000:2018, FSSC 22000 version 6 (and ISO 22003 including ISO 17021 as applicable) and ISO 19011

Who should attend

Any professional in the food safety industry with basic understanding of the requirements in ISO 22000:2018, FSSC 22000 version 6, seeking process-based auditing skills and knowledge required to audit food safety management systems.


For successful completion of the course; we strongly recommend that you already have basic knowledge:
  • Food Safety Management Systems requirements as per ISO 22000:2018 and FSSC 22000 version 6   
  • Principles of food safety management including prerequisite programmes as specified in ISO/TS 22002 (All parts) and HACCP 
  • On the relationship between food safety management and the provision of safe food products to prevent or minimise adverse effects on human health and the proactive improvement of food safety performance
  • Awareness of relevant national / local FSMS legislations and Requirements

Did you know?

  • Participant evaluation is through Continuous Assessment during the training course and a closed book examination (2 hours) at the end of the course.
  • A 'Certificate of Achievement' will be awarded to participants who passes both continuous assessment & the written examination. 
  • Students who successfully complete this FSSC Auditor/Lead Auditor training course certified by CQI and IRCA will satisfy the training requirements for initial certification as a CQI and IRCA FSMS Auditor.
  • You can now record your CQI and IRCA certificate to access exclusive resources via www.quality.org 

Om FSSC 22000 Version 6 Lead Auditor Training Course based on ISO 22000:2018

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, you will be able to explain:

  • The purpose of a food safety management system 
  • The business benefits of the improved performance of the food safety management system
  • The role of an auditor to plan, conduct, report and follow up a food safety management system audit in accordance with ISO22000:2018, FSSC 22000 version 6 (and ISO 22003 including ISO 17021 as applicable) and ISO 19011

Who should attend

Any professional in the food safety industry with basic understanding of the requirements in ISO 22000:2018, FSSC 22000 version 6, seeking process-based auditing skills and knowledge required to audit food safety management systems.


For successful completion of the course; we strongly recommend that you already have basic knowledge:
  • Food Safety Management Systems requirements as per ISO 22000:2018 and FSSC 22000 version 6   
  • Principles of food safety management including prerequisite programmes as specified in ISO/TS 22002 (All parts) and HACCP 
  • On the relationship between food safety management and the provision of safe food products to prevent or minimise adverse effects on human health and the proactive improvement of food safety performance
  • Awareness of relevant national / local FSMS legislations and Requirements

Did you know?

  • Participant evaluation is through Continuous Assessment during the training course and a closed book examination (2 hours) at the end of the course.
  • A 'Certificate of Achievement' will be awarded to participants who passes both continuous assessment & the written examination. 
  • Students who successfully complete this FSSC Auditor/Lead Auditor training course certified by CQI and IRCA will satisfy the training requirements for initial certification as a CQI and IRCA FSMS Auditor.
  • You can now record your CQI and IRCA certificate to access exclusive resources via www.quality.org 

Management Systems Training


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Mere information

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  Certificering inden for fødevareområdet

Certificering inden for fødevareområdet

  Den nye ISO 22000

Den nye ISO 22000

Forbered der på ændringerne i den nye ISO 22000:2018

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