BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9: Sites Training

This course enables delegates to gain a full understanding of the general principles of the Standard, and how to comply with the requirements. Delegates will also gain an understanding of what to expect during the process of certification, and actions needed prior to, during and after the audit. Before the course you must have read and reviewed a copy of the Standard, which is available as a free download from the BRCGS Store. At the end of the course you will be assessed with an exam. This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition programme.

About BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9: Sites Training


This course enables delegates to gain a full understanding of the general principles of the Standard, and how to comply with the requirements. Delegates will also gain an understanding of what to expect during the process of certification, and actions needed prior to, during and after the audit.
Before the course you must have read and reviewed a copy of the Standard, which is available as a free download from the BRCGS Store.
At the end of the course you will be assessed with an exam. This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition programme.

  • Be able to describe the scope of companies and products covered by the standard
  • Know what is required to comply with the requirements of the standard
  • Be able to prepare for an audit to the standard
  • Understand the protocol for audits to the standard

Who should attend

  • Consultants
  • Technical Managers and personnel
  • Quality Managers and personnel
  • Auditors
  • Importers and exporters of food products
  • Foodservice staff
  • Operations Managers
  • Internal audit personnel.

About BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9: Sites Training


This course enables delegates to gain a full understanding of the general principles of the Standard, and how to comply with the requirements. Delegates will also gain an understanding of what to expect during the process of certification, and actions needed prior to, during and after the audit.
Before the course you must have read and reviewed a copy of the Standard, which is available as a free download from the BRCGS Store.
At the end of the course you will be assessed with an exam. This course is part of the BRCGS Professional recognition programme.

  • Be able to describe the scope of companies and products covered by the standard
  • Know what is required to comply with the requirements of the standard
  • Be able to prepare for an audit to the standard
  • Understand the protocol for audits to the standard

Who should attend

  • Consultants
  • Technical Managers and personnel
  • Quality Managers and personnel
  • Auditors
  • Importers and exporters of food products
  • Foodservice staff
  • Operations Managers
  • Internal audit personnel.

Management Systems Training


Træningsmetodik og fordele

DNV's kurser blander auditekspertise, dataanalyse og LMS-tilgængelighed (Learning Management System).


APQP4Wind kurser

APQP4Wind is the common frame of reference to be used in the industry to strengthen the cooperation between manufacturers and suppliers


Automotive og aerospace kurser

At sikre kvalitet og sikkerhed i alle dele af forsyningskæden er afgørende for bil- og luftfartsindustrien.


Kurser i energi- og miljøledelse

Offentlighedens bekymring for miljø- og energiudfordringer, strengere lovgivning og øget medieopmærksomhed stiller større krav til virksomhederne i dag.


Kurser inden for fødevareområdet

Føde- og drikkevareindustrien bevæger sig for at tilfredsstille kravene fra internationale forbrugere og for at åbne nye markedsmuligheder.


Kurser i arbejdsmiljøledelse

Din virksomhed forventes at tage sig af sine medarbejdere ved at håndtere sikkerhed og sundhed på en professionel måde.


Kurser i informationssikkerhed og IT-service management

Cyber- og informationssikkerhed er for alvor kommet på den ledelsesmæssige agenda, da det medfører særlige forpligtelser.


Medical Device Training Courses

DNV offers a wide range of medical device training courses supporting you in the challenges of meeting regulatory requirements and maintaining quality management systems.


Kurser inden for Kvalitetsledelse

Et effektivt kvalitetsledelsessystem på plads kan forbedre din virksomheds kvalitetsprocesser, samlede præstationer og succes


Risikostyring og business continuity kurser

Formålet med risikostyring er ikke at eliminere risiko, men at forstå den, så du kan udnytte fordelene og minimere ulemperne.


Kurser i bæredygtighed og socialt ansvar

At sikre din forpligtelse til at beskytte menneskerettighederne og operere på en etisk, ansvarlig måde er afgørende for at indgyde etisk praksis og fremme en kultur med bæredygtighed i virksomheden.

Interne kurser for din virksomhed

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  Towards a Safe and Sustainable Food Supply Chain

Towards a Safe and Sustainable Food Supply Chain

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Kurser & Arrangementer | Fødevaresikkerhed

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  DNV Food Safety

DNV Food Safety

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