Introduction to biocompatibility for medical devices

This training will provide participants with an insight into biocompatibility, risk-based approach ISO 14971:2019, on the ISO 10993-1 and ISO 10993-18 standards. It will be helpful for Quality and Regulatory people who are involved in preparing Technical files and Design Dossiers and gives a hands-on knowledge of biocompatibility assessment, testing strategy and risk assessment approach.

About Introduction to biocompatibility for medical devices

Why this course:

The focus on biocompatibility has become stronger as the ISO standards are updated and the MDR is now in place. This course will give you an introduction and also give a route, the Biological Evaluation Plan, as to how to work with this task both from an ISO 10993-1 level and the MDR 2017/745 level. Chemical characterization is mandatory and we will go through this in more detail. 

Who should attend:

QA/RA, D&D, Clinical as well as suppliers of raw material.

What will you learn:

In this one day’ training you will get an overview of the requirements and the guidance documents in order for you to be able to establish a well-prepared Biological Evaluation Plan.


Module 1 (1 day) – Introduction to biocompatibility for medical devices with a risk-based approach:

  • ISO 10993-1 and ISO 14971
  • Biological Evaluation plan and MDR GSPR §10
  • US/FDA status
  • Raw materials, suppliers and manufacturers with respect to process aids and change control
  • ISO 10993-18 – what testing scenario to choose and why
  • Requirements on the test houses


The course is tutored by the below experienced trainer:

  • Anette Sjögren, MSc Biomedicine, Regulatory expert, 35 years in industry medical devices and pharmaceuticals, member of the international standardization work within medical devices.

Are you looking for a customised course?:

Content of the course can be changed and modified depending on the need of the customer for private/inhouse courses.

Please contact us for more information.

About Introduction to biocompatibility for medical devices

Why this course:

The focus on biocompatibility has become stronger as the ISO standards are updated and the MDR is now in place. This course will give you an introduction and also give a route, the Biological Evaluation Plan, as to how to work with this task both from an ISO 10993-1 level and the MDR 2017/745 level. Chemical characterization is mandatory and we will go through this in more detail. 

Who should attend:

QA/RA, D&D, Clinical as well as suppliers of raw material.

What will you learn:

In this one day’ training you will get an overview of the requirements and the guidance documents in order for you to be able to establish a well-prepared Biological Evaluation Plan.


Module 1 (1 day) – Introduction to biocompatibility for medical devices with a risk-based approach:

  • ISO 10993-1 and ISO 14971
  • Biological Evaluation plan and MDR GSPR §10
  • US/FDA status
  • Raw materials, suppliers and manufacturers with respect to process aids and change control
  • ISO 10993-18 – what testing scenario to choose and why
  • Requirements on the test houses


The course is tutored by the below experienced trainer:

  • Anette Sjögren, MSc Biomedicine, Regulatory expert, 35 years in industry medical devices and pharmaceuticals, member of the international standardization work within medical devices.

Are you looking for a customised course?:

Content of the course can be changed and modified depending on the need of the customer for private/inhouse courses.

Please contact us for more information.

Management Systems Training


Træningsmetodik og fordele

DNV's kurser blander auditekspertise, dataanalyse og LMS-tilgængelighed (Learning Management System).


APQP4Wind kurser

APQP4Wind is the common frame of reference to be used in the industry to strengthen the cooperation between manufacturers and suppliers


Automotive og aerospace kurser

At sikre kvalitet og sikkerhed i alle dele af forsyningskæden er afgørende for bil- og luftfartsindustrien.


Kurser i energi- og miljøledelse

Offentlighedens bekymring for miljø- og energiudfordringer, strengere lovgivning og øget medieopmærksomhed stiller større krav til virksomhederne i dag.


Kurser inden for fødevareområdet

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Kurser i arbejdsmiljøledelse

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Kurser i informationssikkerhed og IT-service management

Cyber- og informationssikkerhed er for alvor kommet på den ledelsesmæssige agenda, da det medfører særlige forpligtelser.


Medical Device Training Courses

DNV offers a wide range of medical device training courses supporting you in the challenges of meeting regulatory requirements and maintaining quality management systems.


Kurser inden for Kvalitetsledelse

Et effektivt kvalitetsledelsessystem på plads kan forbedre din virksomheds kvalitetsprocesser, samlede præstationer og succes


Risikostyring og business continuity kurser

Formålet med risikostyring er ikke at eliminere risiko, men at forstå den, så du kan udnytte fordelene og minimere ulemperne.


Kurser i bæredygtighed og socialt ansvar

At sikre din forpligtelse til at beskytte menneskerettighederne og operere på en etisk, ansvarlig måde er afgørende for at indgyde etisk praksis og fremme en kultur med bæredygtighed i virksomheden.

Interne kurser for din virksomhed

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