Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)

Compliance with European regulations has become progressively more complex, especially with the publication of the EU Medical Device Regulation (2017/745) and In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (2017/746).

With the new regulations, European regulators want to make sure companies always have a qualified regulatory expert at their disposal to ensure the company is meeting EU requirements.
Thus, a new role has been created called the Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC) referred to in Article 15 of the European MDR and IVDR. 

About Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC)

What will you learn:

In this 1 day training you will learn what you need to know about the role as PRRC, which is mandatory for Medical and In Vitro Diagnostic Device Manufacturers. We will get knowledge of what the role covers and how this role should be implemented from a regulatory perspective. The course is aimed at individuals appointed PRRC or for economic operators that need a PRRC.

Content of the course:

  • MDR/IVDR requirements for PRRC
  • What does PRRC mean to the organizations throughout the medical device lifecycle including economic operators
  • What are the qualifications needed
  • What is the responsibility and authority
  • How shall outsourcing of the role be managed
  • What is the job description and work tasks according to the MDR/IVDR
  • How to understand MDCG guidance and other guidance documents

Course Leader:

Anette Sjögren, PREVENTIA AB

Anette is a member of the Swedish (TK355 – ISO 13485, ISO 14971 and IEC 62366) and the international technical (TC210) committee and was also part of the international PMS task force.


Course material is in English.

Presentation in English or Swedish (depending on the participants).

Management Systems Training

APQP4Wind kurser

APQP4Wind is the common frame of reference to be used in the industry to strengthen the cooperation between manufacturers and suppliers

Kurser i energi- og miljøledelse

Offentlighedens bekymring for miljø- og energiudfordringer, strengere lovgivning og øget medieopmærksomhed stiller større krav til virksomhederne i dag.

Kurser inden for fødevareområdet

Føde- og drikkevareindustrien bevæger sig for at tilfredsstille kravene fra internationale forbrugere og for at åbne nye markedsmuligheder.

Kurser i arbejdsmiljøledelse

Din virksomhed forventes at tage sig af sine medarbejdere ved at håndtere sikkerhed og sundhed på en professionel måde.

Medical Device Training Courses

DNV offers a wide range of medical device training courses supporting you in the challenges of meeting regulatory requirements and maintaining quality management systems.

Kurser i bæredygtighed og socialt ansvar

At sikre din forpligtelse til at beskytte menneskerettighederne og operere på en etisk, ansvarlig måde er afgørende for at indgyde etisk praksis og fremme en kultur med bæredygtighed i virksomheden.


Vores faglighed spænder vidt og dette er også reklekteret i vores eLearnings

Kursus betingelser

Afbestillingsbetingelser og praktiske oplysninger for kurser hos DNV Business Assurance Denmark