Training Courses in English

DNV offers a wide variety of training courses delivered in English language and taking place either online or in Denmark. If you are interested in courses regarding Medical Devices, APQP4Wind or simply look for classical ISO courses and a training to become Lead Auditor - we have the perfect training course for you.

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After the course, you can build on what you've learned through our self-assessment package. With this online tool, you can create professional self-assessments focusing on specific management system standards. Access to the tool is free for all our course participants.



Vores kurser fokuserer på at forbedre viden om ledelsessystemer, samtidig med at vi fremmer en vækst- og innovationstankegang for at opnå forretningsmæssig succes.


Træningsmetodik og fordele

DNV's kurser blander auditekspertise, dataanalyse og LMS-tilgængelighed (Learning Management System).